David Smith provides all kinds of school
consulting, often working in assemblies or classroom visits, and also providing
in-service programs for teachers, and evening programs for parents and families. I also
do a great many on-site or virtual author visits; I love to do classroom visits, and I
do them in-person, via Skype, via mail or text, and fees are low. For information about
these services, please see my school
consulting page or click here to contact
me by email
Replacement map sets
Many people have asked about replacement map sets. Please point
your browser to the website of the new publisher of the curriculum, Fablevision and at the
bottom of the page you will see an option to order a replacement set of maps.
Links and Resources for Educators
On this page, we present all kinds of links and tools
for every kind of educator. Please follow the links on the left to find
the most useful tools for your teaching.
our new dedicated Amazon
Store for all your geography, teaching, and other needs.
What You'll Find Here:
There are a variety of geography quizzes
Home Schoolers be sure to see the page with
information and links specifically for you.
Check the links to National Geographic
Society State Alliances to find a network of teachers and consultants in
your own neighborhood.
Please note: IN the
column below are ads
Google and Amazon ads
I try to control content
Sometimes an adult
one slips in
I regret any offense
and am trying hard
to block such ads.
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