Mapping the World By
Heart is both a curriculum and a consulting service. See links to the
left for details on the curriculum and on program offerings. Learn about
the author's consulting services, including workshops, school assemblies
and author visits, in-service programs for teachers, curriculum audits,
website evaluation, and credit-bearing summer institutes. David Smith
travels the globe sharing his enthusiastic and innovative approach to
teaching and learning about our world community.
A completely revised new edition is coming from the extraordinary
people at FableVision. Click on the new cover for more information:
Click the cover to read about and order the new edition from
Replacement map sets, sample pages, further information:
Many people have asked about replacement map sets, or about how to
get sample pages from the program. Please point
your browser to the website of the publisher of the curriculum, Fablevision and at the
bottom of the page you will see an option to order a replacement set of maps, and below
that, a link to email Fablevision for sample pages, or for further information.
Among Our Services
Addresses, assemblies, and workshops on
World-Mindedness for Schools, Conferences, Corporate Clients
Seminars on Global Education
In-Service Programs for Teachers on
Geography Across the Curriculum
Credit-Bearing Institutes from 1 to 6 days
Teacher-In-Residence Programs
Curriculum Audits
School Web-Site Design, Evaluation, Hosting,
and Maintenance
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Sometimes an adult
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I regret any offense
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