me, one of the most interesting questions has always been, "How many
countries are there in the world". For instance, there may be anywhere
between 168 and 254 nations, depending on who is doing the counting. There
are approximately 170 separate currencies, 239 two-letter country codes
recognized by the ISO (International Standards Org.), and the Universal
Postal Union has listings for 500,000 localities in 189 Countries. By a
recent count, France and the US officially recognize 192 states, (though
unofficially acknowledging the existence of several others!), Switzerland
recognizes 194, Russia 172, The
UK has over 200 diplomatic posts, and Germany also recognizes well
over 200.
Tyvek World Map. An indestructible and very beautiful wall map, a great addition to
any wall, and perfect when working with children because the material is recycled
plastic, and the map can't be ripped, damaged by tape, or otherwise damaged.
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